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rooibos teas

Shop online for high-grade rooibos teas (or red bush) sourced directly from the artisan farmers who tender them. Varieties include Rooibos Vanilla, Honeybush, Green Rooibos and other delicious teas. Hailing from South Africa, red bush tea is caffeine-free and produces a sweet, flavourful cup. Rooibos is also known for its high mineral content and a wide array of antioxidants. Our direct-trade advantage ensures superior taste, freshness and value.

5 products

honeybush banana nut
honeybush banana nut
16c / cup
green rooibos bonita
green rooibos bonita
16c / cup
rooibos vanilla
rooibos vanilla
14c / cup
rooibos earl grey
rooibos earl grey
14c / cup
14c / cup
purple papayaberry
An amethyst infusion that's refreshing as getting caught in a papaya and blackberry rainstorm on a hot summer day.