For more information on our delivery costs and transit times, please visit our
Shipping Page for further details.
If your order could not be delivered and the carrier initiated a return to us, we'll email you as soon as the package arrives back to our warehouse. Please note that this process is out of our control and may take up to a few weeks.
If your package is marked as delivered, but not received, it is likely left in a safe location or with one of your neighbours, so do check around.
If you are unable to locate it, please
email us and we'll gladly assist you further in locating your parcel.
We offer free delivery to all EU destinations, with varying order value thresholds of €50, €75, €100 or €200 based on the delivery country. Please visit our
Shipping Page for further information.
Please note that any discount vouchers or certificates do not count towards the free shipping threshold.
We aim to carefully package your selections to ensure they survive the grueling handling in transit. Despite these efforts, you may receive a damaged item. If that happens, please
email us and we'll do our best to assist you.
Once your order ships, your
Order History page will contain its tracking details, if available.
Please check our
Shipping Page for more information on the shipping services used.
If your package is marked as delivered, but not received, it is likely left in a safe location or with one of your neighbours, so do check around.
If you are unable to locate it, please email
[email protected] and we'll gladly assist you further.
While we aim to dispatch orders swiftly, processing and transit times vary greatly depending on time of year, destination and delivery service used. For the latest information, please visit our
Shipping Page.
VAT is already included in the final price based on the delivery country, so there are no additional charges to be expected.